
2018年09月26日 09:52  点击:[]








  1. 山东省山东省自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,海洋多糖介导抗耐药菌氧化锌纳米复合材料的绿色合成及构效关系研究,10万元,主持。

  2. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年项目, 基于刺参肠道宏基因组文库的新型高效褐藻胶降解酶的筛选及分子机制研究, 25万元,主持。






    [1]Genetic and metabolic links between the murine microbiome and memory.Microbiome, 2020. (共一,IF15.5,Top)

    [2]Diverse tumour susceptibility in Collaborative Cross mice: identification of a new mouse model for human gastric tumourigenesis.Gut, 2019.(第四位,IF24.5,Top)

    [3]Insights into the Influence of Signal Peptide on the Enzymatic Properties of Alginate Lyase AlyI1 with Removal Effect onPseudomonas aeruginosaBiofilm,Marine Drugs, 2022.(通讯,IF6.1,Q1)

    [4]Preparation and characteristics of a thermosensitive in situ gel loaded with chitosan nanoparticles for optimal ocular delivery of chloramphenicol,Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 2023.(通讯,IF4.6, Q2)

    [5]Preliminary identification and semi-quantitative characterization of a multi-faceted high-stability alginate lyase from marine microbe Seonamhaeicola algicola with anti-biofilm effect onPseudomonas aeruginosa,Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2024(通讯,IF3.4, Q2)

    [6]Characterization of a New Biofunctional, Exolytic AlginateLyase fromTamlanasp. s12 with High Catalytic Activity andCold-Adapted Features,Marine Drugs,2021.(通讯,IF5.4, Q1)

    [7]Skin permeation of curcumin nanocrystals: Effect of particle size, delivery vehicles, and permeation enhancer,Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2023.(共通讯, IF 5.8, Q1)

    [8]Structure Characteristics, Biochemical Properties, and Pharmaceutical Applications of Alginate Lyases,Marine Drugs,2021.(通讯,IF5.4,Q1)

    [9]No difference in 4-nitroquinoline induced tumorigenesis between germ-free and colonized mice.Molecular Carcinogenesis, 2019. (一作,IF 3.8, Q2)

    [10]Thirdhand cigarette smoke leads to age-dependent and persistent alterations in the cecal microbiome of mice,MicrobiologyOpen, 2021. (共一,IF 3.14)

    [11]Pseudaestuariivita roseasp. nov., isolated fromAcmaea sp., a marine mollusk,Archives of Microbiology,2022.(通讯,IF 2.6)

    [12]Kangiella shandongensissp. nov., a novel species isolatedfrom saltern in Yantai, China,Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2021.(通讯,IF2.3)


  3. 一种含氯霉素纳米粒的眼用温敏凝胶及其制备方法,2022

  4. 一种水溶性复方过硫酸氢钾消毒剂及其制备方法,2022

  5. 一种突变型褐藻胶裂解酶及其应用,2022

  6. 一种褐藻胶裂解酶AlyG2及其应用,2022

  7. 一种褐藻胶裂解酶ALyI1及其应用,2022



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