11月18日学术报告:What Have Ciliates Ever Done For Us

2023年11月16日 15:51  点击:[]

主讲人简介:Alan Warren 博士,英国自然历史博物馆原生动物研究组研究员,国际知名的纤毛虫学家,曾任国际原生生物学家学会(ISOP)副主席、英国原生动物学会主席。Warren博士长期从事原生动物的形态学、多样性、生态学及环境生物学等基础学科研究。近来的研究主要集中在自由生纤毛虫的多样性、系统学、分类学、DNA条形码以及作为生物学指标的应用。主持大西洋沿岸自由生纤毛虫生物多样性与系统学研究国际纤毛虫分子生物学国际合作网络计划等多项国际合作项目。迄今发表国际主流刊物论文200余篇。


报告内容简介:Ciliated protists (ciliates) and among the most complex microorganisms and are found everywhere on the Earth’s surface where there is sufficient water for their survival. However, they remain unknown to virtually everyone who is not a biologist. The first part of the talk will give an introduction to the biology of ciliates including their morphology, reproduction and feeding strategies. The second part will explore why ciliates are important and how they can be of benefit to humans and the environment. The talk is richly illustrated with images and with videos showing ciliates in action. This presentation is aimed at anyone who is not a specialist in the study of ciliates.





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